This Sponsorship Scheme was initiated in 2003 and has been able to provide financial and psychological support to hundreds of children. An Extended sponsorship includes the cost of a child’s college education for the duration of the course/subject selected and the accommodation/hostel fees.Over the years, these sponsorships have been supported by The Overseas Committees, Alumnus of the Homes and many well wishers. You need not have sponsored a child at school to sponsor them at college nor do you need to sponsor the same child at school and college. You may also simultaneously sponsor a child at school and college. Most of the students go to colleges in Kolkata and remain there for the duration of their courses.
How do you get started as a sponsor?
Write to the following address stating the approximate age and sex of the child you would like to sponsor. Please feel free to ask for more information if you wish. You will be sent case histories of the candidates for sponsorship. You can select a child from a list provided to you.
For Extended Sponsorships:
The Liaison Officer, Birkmyre Hostel, 7 Middleton Row, Kolkata 700 071